Mirko Treccani

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Parma

GWASer - PRScorer - Human Genomicist

My name is Mirko Treccani, a young scientist from Montichiari, a little town in the southeast province of Brescia, between the Po Valley and the Garda Lake. 

Currently, I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Parma (Italy) and a PhD candidate in Applied Life and Health Sciences at the GM Lab, University of Verona (Italy), 

My research focuses on human genomics, specifically on genome-wide association studies (GWAS), polygenic risk scores and genotype imputation. Mostly, I work on complex human traits and diseases, but I have always been fascinated by human ancestry and evolution

I am a strong supporter of interdisciplinarity and knowledge contamination: I let curiosity shape my life and make me learn something new every day!

I graduated in bioinformatics with a thesis regarding protein modelling. Then, in my master's in molecular and medical biotechnology, I moved into genomics, joining the GM Lab first as a trainee student and then as a PhD student. In 2023, I took the chance to be a visiting PhD student, first at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam (NL) and then at the Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease in Cambridge (UK). From March 2024, I am a post-doc on personalised genomics and nutrigenomics in Parma.

My journey in science

Latest news

April 2024
Time is flying fast! A lot of work, many projects and hopefully a lot of publications. Only the future has the answer. Together with the SCS2023 team, we finally published our Community report on Bioinformatic Advances. Have a look at it!

March 2024
What a month! I am officially a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Parma, working in Prof. Mena's and Prof. Barili's groups. I am excited to start this new scientific adventure. Together with the GM Lab, we started our course on "Bioinformatics and Life Sciences: Decode the future!" for third-year high school students in Montichiari. Moreover, I am part of three different boards: as a young mentor for BE in HU-BS Martinengo, as chair of the finance committee in ISCB's SCS2024, and as a member of the programme committee at CIBB2024. Finally, my trainee student Caterina has graduated in the M.Sc. in Molecular and Medical Biotechnology: congrats!

February 2024
February was a month dedicated to writing and teaching. On the one hand, I have finished the draft of my PhD thesis, and I am moving towards the end of my PhD journey. On the other hand, at the GM Lab, we started teaching our course "Human DNA: an unexpected journey" to high school students from all over the Veneto region.

See all the news here.